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Don’t settle for distant support when choosing your strategic partner for business advisory and development. HTGP will equip you with the courage and confidence to execute tasks needed for growth.

What you need is what you get

We’re here to guide and advise you towards growth, utilizing carefully selected solutions and technologies. We deliver individually tailored business advisory services for rapid growth and foster commitment when executing your change agenda. Because your success is our mission, your growth is our passion.

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Take advantage of specific knowledge from our international network of highly enthusiastic and experienced business talents.

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Reference Cases

Reference case | 12 December 2023

Case Hoivatilat

Innovative investor of rental facilities, Hoivatilat, and Luova Työmaa, HTGP partner, have had deep collaboration from strategic brand renewal to communication strategy and marketing initiatives since 2020.

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Reference case | 29 November 2023

Case UKI Architects

Research and analysis of competitive factors, competitors, and target positioning led to the discovery and planning of a winning brand promise, key messages, communication tone, and a new visual identity – all supporting the UKI Architects' brand.

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Recent News

Insights | 28 May 2024

Sustainability: an Opportunity Guided by Legislation

In today’s business landscape, sustainability is no longer just a buzzword but a key driver for success. With an increasing focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, companies realize...

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Insights | 20 May 2024

The Interrelationship Between Digitalization, Data, and AI: A Modern Business Imperative

Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the triad of digitalization, data, and Artificial Intelligence is transforming industries. Understanding the symbiotic relationship between these elements is crucial for organizations aiming...

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Insights | 9 April 2024

From Brand to Grand: Orchestrating Business Excellence

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